Antique Densities in The Cafe Review

WIth a lyrical intensity, Amanda Dettmann reviewed Antique Densities in The Cafe Review: "With close attention to oral histories and faults of memory, Navicky’s work invites us to vulnerably enter new rooms of self–recognition while speaking to human limitations. We can never read everything; we often stare at screens to ingest two seconds of a story. Navicky poses: What if we started seeing books on the floor as casualties?...By paradoxically placing enduring language inside ephemerality, Navicky welcomes return, suffering, expansive holding, and an unrealized freedom surviving any sticky shelf life."

Antique Densities reviewed in Maine Sunday Telegram

Jeri Theriault reviewed Antique Densities in the November 13th Maine Sunday Telegram. She wrote, "One of the many pleasures of 'Antique Densities' is its adherence to the singular conceit of a deconstructed library, a Borgesian place suggested by Jeffrey Haste’s cover art, an abstract portrayal of columns overlaid with recognizable shapes, one of them a set of stairs, another two arched windows framing clouds."

Conversations from the Pointed Firs

Jefferson talked with Conversations from the Pointed Firs radio/podcast host Peter Neill about Jefferson’s work as the Archivist for the Maine Women Writers Collection at UNE Portland. He and Peter discuss the long history of women writers in Maine, their work well-known and sometimes forgotten, representing an essential contribution and expression of the unique place and creative spirit of Maine. You can listen to the episode here, on the website, or through wherever you find your podcasts.

Wanda Coleman review in The Adroit Journal

Jefferson’s review of Wanda Coleman’s Heart First into This Ruin: The Complete American Sonnets (Black Sparrow Press 2022) was published in The Adroit Journal.

“The experience of reading sonnet after sonnet through Coleman’s relentless rebellion within, yet also adherence to, the form is like riding the Magnum over and over again at Cedar Point. At one time the fastest and tallest roller coaster in the world, there may be plenty of other exciting rides at the park, but there’s no way you’re going on them. Once you’ve experienced the rush of the sonnet in Coleman’s hands, it’s difficult to go on any other ride.”