to May 1

Your Millay: Creative Exploration of an Icon

Your Millay: Creative Exploration of an Icon

  • Thursday, April 3, 2025

  • 4:30 PM 7:30 PM

  • Rockland Public Library, Camden Public Library (4/10), and Millay House (4/24) (map)

A 5-Week Poetry Workshop

Thursdays: April 3rd - May 1st, 4:30 - 7:30 PM

Edna St. Vincent Millay was a firebrand poet. Brilliant, complicated, and beloved, she was born in Rockland in 1892. Grounding ourselves in selections of Millay’s poetry, and drawing from biographical information, letters, and archival materials from the Maine Women Writers Collection, we will immerse ourselves in the world of Millay in an effort to find the ways in which Millay speaks to our own inspirations.

Participants of all avenues and experience levels welcome – poets and nonpoets; fiction and nonfiction writers; Millay enthusiasts, the casually curious, and those interested in the alchemical process of turning literary research into creative output.

The class will include a tour of Millay’s birthplace in Rockland, home of Millay House Rockland, as well as a visit to the Camden Public Library’s Millay collection. Participants will work to write their own multi-discipline responses to Millay. Instructor feedback following each class, and one all-class workshop. Limit 10-12 participants.

*4/3, 4/17, and 5/1 classes @ Rockland Public Library. 4/10 @ Camden Public Library & their Millay Collection. 4/24 @ Millay House in Rockland.


$275 Members/$475 Nonmembers

Jefferson Navicky is the author of four books, most recently Head of Island Beautification for the Rural Outlands, a finalist for The Big Other Book Award in Fiction, as well as Antique Densities: Modern Parables & Other Experiments in Short Prose, which won the Maine Literary Award for Poetry. He works as the archivist for the Maine Women Writers Collection and lives in rural midcoast Maine.

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4:00 PM16:00

Online workshop: Millay in War & Peace

On Sunday March 9 from 4:00 - 5:30pm ET, Jefferson Navicky—Millay House Rockland Board Member and archivist for the Maine Women Writers Collection at the University of New England—will be presenting a workshop called Millay in War & Peace: Poetic Responses in Tumultuous Times.

The focus will be on Millay’s ability to shape-shift as a poet, and why a poet might choose to do this, how this can be accomplished, and in general, strategies to stay connected with each other and to write poems in difficult times when we may struggle to stay in touch with poetry.

The workshop is open to poets of all abilities and experience, and to anyone who might be curious about the life and work of Edna St. Vincent Millay.

The event will be live on Zoom from The Poets Corner. $15 for non-members of Millay House Rockland, and all proceeds will go towards Millay House Rockland.

and use the password: millayhouserockland
to access registration

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5:00 PM17:00

Stone Broke Bread & Books

Join us for an evening of poetry at Stone Broke Bread & Books, sprung from research in the Maine Women Writers Collection (MWWC). Beth Alison Jones will read from an in-progress series of poems inspired by the journals of Isabel Hoffses, a 19th-century school teacher from Waldoboro, Maine.  She suffered bouts of homelessness, poverty, and a debilitating mental illness. The poems explore a powerful and singular mental will that insists on its own freedom.  The Civil War is the unmentioned backdrop.  

MWWC Archivist Jefferson Navicky will read poems inspired by his work at MWWC processing archival collections, assisting researchers, and communing with ghosts and other spirits that haunt the past’s detritus.

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6:00 PM18:00

Our Town Freeport Writing & Photograph Workshop

Our Town Photography & Writing Workshop with Sharyn Peavey & Jefferson Navicky In-Person

Meetinghouse Arts will present a Photography and Writing Workshop, at the Freeport Community Library on Thursday May 9th at 6:00PM, featuring photographer Sharyn Peavey and writer Jefferson Navicky.   

Meetinghouse Arts is proud to bring this free workshop with Sharyn and Jefferson to the Library as the first of three photo and writing workshops in support of Our Town: A Community Self Portrait; a community arts documentary project funded in part by the National Endowment for the Arts. The Self Portrait is a two-week initiative (May 25th-June 8) that invites all residents of Freeport to capture and describe the town’s essence through photography and words. Exhibitions of participants’ work will be held at the end of October at the Meetinghouse Arts Gallery, the Freeport Historical Society, Freeport Community Services, Visit Freeport and the Freeport Community Library.

In Sharyn and Jefferson’s workshop, A Day in the Life: Photography and Poetry Capture the Quotidien, they pose the question:How often do we let slip by the small things of everyday life? The nesting of a family of bluebirds; the way the sun strikes wet pavement on an early spring day; the pile of muddied clothes after your child's forest adventure.” This workshop invites participants to work to capture the stuff of daily life through photography and poetry. Sharyn and Jefferson will provide exercises and demonstrations to enhance and inspire your abilities to document daily life for Freeport's upcoming Our Town NEA grant. No prior experience needed; please bring something to write on/with, your sense of adventure, and your artistic eye. This event is free and open to Freeporters of all ages and walks of life. 

Sharyn Peavey is a professional photographer with a studio at Pineland Farms. She began her career in 1994 after receiving a BFA in Photography from the Maryland Institute College of Art. Other formal training includes Parsons School of Design, NYC; Pratt Institute, NYC; International Center for Photography (ICP), NYC; Walnut Hill School for the Arts and Wesleyan University Summer Arts & Dance Program. https://www.sharynpeavey.com

Jefferson Navicky is the author of four books, most recently the novel-in-prose-poems, Head of Island Beautification for the Rural Outlands (2023), as well as Antique Densities: Modern Parables & Other Experiments in Short Prose (2021), which won the 2022 Maine Literary Award for Poetry. He is the archivist for the Maine Women Writers Collection.  https://www.jeffersonnavicky.com

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5:00 PM17:00

"Inspiration in the Archives: A Conversation about Poetry"

"Inspiration in the Archives: A Conversation about Poetry"

            with poet and teacher Beth Alison Jones, & poet and archivist Jefferson Navicky

facilitated by Dr. Jennifer Tuttle, Director of the Maine Women Writers Collection

Join us for an evening of poetry sprung from research in the Maine Women Writers Collection (MWWC). Beth Alison Jones will read from an in-progress series of poems called “We Don’t Talk About the War.” Inspired by the journals of Isabel Hoffses, a 19th century school teacher who suffered bouts of homelessness, poverty, and a debilitating mental illness, the poems explore a powerful and singular mentality will that insists on its own freedom.  The Civil War is the unmentioned backdrop. 

MWWC Archivist Jefferson Navicky will read poems inspired by his work at MWWC processing archival collections, assisting researchers, and communing with ghosts and other spirits that haunt the past’s detritus.

The evening will be introduced and moderated by Dr. Jennifer Tuttle, MWWC Director & Dorothy M. Healy Professor of Literature at UNE.

fmi, please contact MWWC Curator Sarah Baker: sbaker8@une.edu

Beth Alison Jones (she/her/hers) is a poet who lives and works in central Maine. A past recipient of an Isabella Gardner fellowship at MacDowell Colony, Beth recently received a Maine Arts Commission Springboard grant for her chapbook, “What It Means To Be A Half-Blind Horse.” Her work has appeared in many journals, including The Georgia ReviewWest Branch, Prairie SchoonerPoetry Daily, Shenandoah, River Styx, Cimarron Review and The Adirondack Review.  

Jefferson Navicky (he/him/his) is the author of four books, most recently Head of Island Beautification for the Rural Outlands (2023) as well as Antique Densities: Modern Parables & Other Experiments on Short Prose (2021), which won the 2022 Maine Literary Award for Poetry. His work has appeared in American Poetry Review, Smokelong Quarterly, Electric Literature, Beloit Poetry Journal, and Southern Humanities Review.

Jennifer Tuttle (she/her/hers) directs the MWWC as the Dorothy M. Healy Professor, teaches literature at UNE, and publishes literary criticism on archival studies, women’s writing, health humanities, and other subjects. She was the 2021-22 Ludcke Chair of Liberal Arts and Sciences at UNE, was a longtime editor at Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers, and co-founded UNE’s Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Program.

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to May 2

Writing in the Archives 5-week class

Writing in the Archives

  • BEGINS Thursday, March 28, 2024

  • 5:00 PM-8:00 PM

A 5 Week IN-PERSON Research and Writing Workshop

Thursdays, March 28-May 2


Do you draw inspiration from the past? Are you someone who likes to hold the past in your hands? Do you appreciate the distinctive scrawl of cursive handwriting? Do you especially enjoy the craftsmanship of objects from the 19th century? If you answered yes, or anything close to yes, then get thee to an archive!

The class will serve as an introduction to archives, as well as to the use of primary source materials to support/enhance your writing. The class will be based at Maine Women Writers Collection at UNE Portland, and will include field trips to both USM Portland’s and USM Lewiston’s Special Collections. The class is an all-genres class, and will include a wide variety of writing exercises and research activities, as well as dedicated time to research projects. We will read and discuss archives-based work by writers such as Susan Howe, Robert Walser, Dawn Potter, and Kiki Petrosino. There will also be time to workshop one piece of archives-based writing from each participant.


PLEASE NOTE This workshop will occur IN-PERSON at the Maine Women Writers Collection at UNE in Portland, 3 Thursdays, with field trips to the Special Collections at USM Portland and USM Lewiston. The week of the workshop, students will be emailed the meeting place for that week.

Jefferson Navicky is the author of four books, most recently the novel-in-prose-poems, Head of Island Beautification for the Rural Outlands (2023), as well as Antique Densities: Modern Parables & Other Experiments in Short Prose (2021), which won the 2022 Maine Literary Award for Poetry. His fiction, nonfiction and poetry have appeared in Smokelong Quarterly, Electric Literature, Fairy Tale Review, Southern Humanities Review, and Beloit Poetry Journal. Jefferson works as the archivist for the Maine Women Writers Collection. He is the recipient of grants from the Maine Arts Commission, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Ellis-Beauregard Foundation, as well as two additional Maine Literary Awards for poetry and drama.

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6:00 PM18:00

Maine Historical Society

A talk with Jefferson Navicky & Earle G. Shettleworth, Jr.

Harrison Bird Brown of Portland was one of 19th-century Maine's most successful marine and landscape painters. Maine State Historian Earle G. Shettleworth, Jr. will discuss Brown's life and career. His illustrated remarks will be based on his publication, "A Century of Portland Artists, 1820-1920: Landscape Paintings from the Maine Historical Society Collection." Brown served as inspiration for poet and archivist Jefferson Navicky’s most recent book, Head of Island Beautification for the Rural Outlands. The story is a novel in prose poems about three generations of landscape painters, starting with a fictionalized Harrison Bird Brown. Navicky will read selections from the book, and will speak about how Harrison Bird Brown and landscape painting inspired his latest book.

About the presenters:

Jefferson Navicky is the author of four books, most recently Head of Island Beautification for the Rural Outlands (2023) as well as Antique Densities: Modern Parables & Other Experiments on Short Prose (2021), which won the 2022 Maine Literary Book Award for Poetry. He works as the archivist for the Maine Women Writers Collection.

Earle Shettleworth, Jr. became interested in historic preservation in 1961 when, at the age of 13, Portland's Union Station was destroyed in favor of a strip mall. In 1970, he earned a B.A. in Art History from Colby College. He also earned an M.A. in Architectural History from Boston University in 1979, an L.H.D. from Bowdoin College in 2008, and an L.H.D. from the Maine College of Art in 2012. Earle served as president of the Maine Historical Society from 1977 to 1979. In 2004 Governor John E. Baldacci appointed him as State Historian, and he was reappointed to a second term by Governor Baldacci in 2008 and to a third term by Governor LePage in 2014.

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to Oct 14

Belfast Poetry Festival Workshops

Jefferson will be a part of two workshops at this year’s Belfast Poetry Festival:

Friday, October 13th 4-6pm @ Belfast Free Library: "Collective Grief Workshop: From Root to Seed" A poetry workshop lead by Samaa Abdurraqib and Jefferson Navicky.

Saturday, October 14th 2-4pm @ Belfast Free Library: "How to Be a Human Radio" A performance workshop led by Id M Theft Able and Jefferson Navicky.

Each workshop is $25. Limited space available. Follow the links to register.

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7:00 PM19:00

HIBRO on Maine's Reading Connection (zoom)

Jefferson will be joining Irene M. Drago on her zoom Maine’s Reading Connection to talk about Head of Island Beautification.

Irene writes, “If you haven't read Jefferson Navicky's HEAD OF ISLAND BEAUTIFICATION FOR THE RURAL OUTLANDS, I hope you will because every chapter from "The Silence" to "Mask V" is poetry in prose. Though the work is fiction, the story is inspired by the personal history of Harrison Bird Brown and his family. To discover the difference between truth and fiction, join Maine's 2020 Reading Connection and award-winning author Jefferson Navicky on August 28 at 7 p.m. EST. For an invitation to Zoom with us, please email irenemdrago@gmail.com before noon on August 27.

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6:00 PM18:00

Mount Desert Island Historical Society

“Harrison Bird Brown in Fact & Fiction” with Earle Shettleworth, Jr and Jefferson Navicky

  • Friday, June 23, 2023

  • 6:00 PM 7:30 PM

  • Northeast Harbor Library, 1 Joy Road, Mount Desert, ME, 04662 (map)

Join us for a lively conversation that interweaves history and fiction. Harrison Bird Brown of Portland was one of 19th century Maine's most successful marine and landscape painters. Maine State Historian Earle G. Shettleworth, Jr. will discuss Brown's career as it intersected with Mount Desert Island, based on his 2023 Chebacco article. Brown also served as inspiration for poet and archivist Jefferson Navicky who will speak about how Harrison Bird Brown and landscape painting inspired his latest book, Head of Island Beautification for the Rural Outlands. Sponsored by the Mount Desert Island Historical Society and the Great Harbor Maritime Museum. Free and Open to the public.

Due to space limitations, registration is recommended. The program will be recorded for later viewing on our website. Go to https://nehlibrary.libcal.com/event/10584897?hs=a to reserve your seat.

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1:00 PM13:00

Collective Grief Practice: Reading and Writing the Natural World

Register for the workshop here.

This workshop is made possible by an American Rescue Plan/Maine Projects Grant sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts, and administered by SPACE Gallery. Co-sponsored by Freeport Climate Action Now, and Freeport Conservation Trust.

UPDATE: And here are a few photos from the Freeport Workshop

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10:00 AM10:00

MWPA Prose Poem Workshop on ZOOM

Reclaiming the Prose Poem: An Introduction

  • Saturday, April 15, 2023

  • 10:00 AM 3:00 PM

  • Online

A Poetry Workshop


As poet Charles Bernstein once said, prose poems are often looked at with suspicion not only by the usual haters of poetry, but also by many poets themselves. And yet they contain so much possibility for expansion, for fun, and for subversion. This workshop will serve as a gateway into the joyously liminal form of the prose poem. We will look at a wide variety of prose poems across history including works by Charles Baudelaire, Russell Edson, Miho Nonaka, and Mary Ruefle. We will also write our own prose poems in a supportive environment. In so doing, we will make ourselves suspicious! Poets and prose writers of all levels welcome – prepare yourself to swim into the murky yet invigorating waters of the hybrid genre.

Jefferson Navicky is the author of four books, most recently the novel-in-prose-poems, Head of Island Beautification for the Rural Outlands (2023), as well as Antique Densities: Modern Parables & Other Experiments in Short Prose (2021), which won the 2022 Maine Literary Book Award for Poetry. Jefferson works as the archivist for the Maine Women Writers Collection

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