Jefferson’s poem “Three-Point Shooter” appeared in the Maine Sunday Telegram. Thank you to Megan Grumbling for choosing it for the week of March Madness. The poem was originally published in Tupelo Quarterly.
The Cafe Irreal
Jefferson’s story “The Cows of Guernsey County” appeared in the Spring 2025 issue of The Cafe Irreal.
Prose poem in Lily Poetry Review
Film Interviews in The Cafe Review
Finalist for The Big Other Book Awards
Head of Island Beautification for the Rural Outlands is a Finalist for the Big Other Book Award in Fiction! The winner will be announced in the fall. This is an amazing list of some of the best small presses in the country, and it celebrates the thriving diversity of the small press world.
CULT Magazine
Jefferson’s poem “The Great Ohio Desert” was published at CULT Magazine with original art work.
Maine Authors
Poetry Friendship Interview in The Cafe Review
Jefferson interviewed poets Nathan McClain and Virginia Konchan about their years-long friendship in the poetry world, and the long-time support and encouragement they offer each other. Very much worth reading!
Prose poem in Unbroken
Jefferson’s prose poem, “House of Revision,” was published in Unbroken issue #41.