On Sunday March 9 from 4:00 - 5:30pm ET, Jefferson Navicky—Millay House Rockland Board Member and archivist for the Maine Women Writers Collection at the University of New England—will be presenting a workshop called Millay in War & Peace: Poetic Responses in Tumultuous Times.
The focus will be on Millay’s ability to shape-shift as a poet, and why a poet might choose to do this, how this can be accomplished, and in general, strategies to stay connected with each other and to write poems in difficult times when we may struggle to stay in touch with poetry.
The workshop is open to poets of all abilities and experience, and to anyone who might be curious about the life and work of Edna St. Vincent Millay.
The event will be live on Zoom from The Poets Corner. $15 for non-members of Millay House Rockland, and all proceeds will go towards Millay House Rockland.
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